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Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad

About Us

The Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad hosts and supports people in situations of vulnerability and social exclusion. In our self-managed community we receive mothers with children in emergency situations, young immigrants, people with special needs without family, teenagers in risk situations or other people in need of a home. Our aim is to create a sense of an extended family, life in solidarity and education in values and to give support for personal development and social (re)integration. The educational role falls to all members, since each one is a reference point for the others.

“Stop for social inclusion – from guest to host” and Re-cycle are projects that were born from the Erasmus+ projects “Bike stop for social inclusion: from guest to host”. The aim is to create an innovative model for empower our users in hostel services and alternative tourism in bike. Our work with migrants to promote opportunities for development and create new horizonts for inclusion.


Our Services

Bike Repair
Bike Repair
Bike Parking
Bike Rent
Tourist Information
Washing Machine
Intercultural Exchange

Our Stories

”El amfitrión fue muy amable”
”La hospitalidad y el buen trato, saber que tu dinero va una buena causa no tiene precio”
”Ademàs del proyecto que nos tocó el corazón de esta organización que se auotofinancia, los servicios propuestos son de calidad tanto cómo las habitaciones, que el desayuno muy completo”
”Nos tratron muy bien y fueron muy amables con nosotros”

Codice di progetto 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063378
“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”